10 Time Travel Movies for Sci-fi Freaks

The movies listed below are handpicked favourites of mine and _nerd_vana

This blog is a collaboration with _nerd_vana Make sure you check out their page for some brilliant content.

The first 7 movies are written and reviewed by _nerd_vana
I'm new to this genre that's why my picks are less but many more to come in future blogs because I have absolutely adored the genre. 
Let's begin....

1.Run lola run (1998)

Synposis -

This German Thriller explores 3 possible scenarios of how a particular event turns out to be based on the decisions lola makes.. Lola has 20 minutes to bring a large sum of money to his boyfriend who has lost the money that's supposed to be delivered to his boss..

Review -

Besides the butterfly effect being the main theme of this movie, the narrative style also conveys the concept of parallel timelines / multiverse - giving the satisfaction of a timetravel fiction without actually using any timetravel tricks at plot. Movie serves as a visual treat too with the main female lead running in the roads at her maximum speed for most part of the movie

2. In the tall grass (2019)

Synopsis -

This Canadian supernatural horror drama film is based on a novel written by Stephen King and Joe Hill, revolves around 2 families stuck inside a field of tall grass which behaves abornmal in terms of space and time.


This movie is a rare combination of horror merged with timetravel. Some of the scenes are creepy and so disturbing to be qualified as a class A supernatural horror which stands out from the usual.. Brace yourself for the ending.. Recommended to watch this movie in dark at night..

3.The wave (2019) 


Plot revolves around Frank who pretty much lived a normal life steps out of this track for one night that changes his life.. When a celebration night takes an unexpected turn when he decides to take a highly hallucinating drug, he unlocks some secrets of the universe and non linear nature of time..


It's not for everyone, may seem unconvincing to people who live inside their box. This is one of those psychadelic movies with powerful visual, combined with comedy and action is a must watch for people who seek to find some alternate perspective of time.

4. Your name  (2016)


Like threads merge and unfold in textiles, people's life's cross each other in mysterious ways.. This story connects two teenagers by body swapping who are separated by space and time.. What starts as romantic and comedy movie quickly gets turned into mysterious and complex and how they process it..


I must include atleast one anime in this list, and this one's a must watch. With romance, comedy and supernatural as main tags, the movie satisfies visually too. The non linear narrative serves as the perfect way to tell this story. 

5. Time freak 

Synopsis -

Asa Butterfield (as most people know him as otis from sex education) plays a role of a young physics genius, recently got dumped by his girlfriend trying to build a device that could allow him to revisit the past and do over his mistakes so he could get back his girlfriend..

Review -

It's a combo of teenagers and timetravel giving an experience of both sci fi and some funny moments with nerdy dialogues. Sophie Turner is charming as usual.. Though, romance is the main focus, the plot has 3 leads which happens to include a friend too..

6.Source Code 


Ths complex plot (which if I reveal serves as a spoiler.. So...) takes place inside a train at a certain time which runs on a loop with only one person who is aware of time loop along with all the passengers who are condemned to repeat their actions every time the loop resets.. 


The details are awe strucking, leaves us to wonder.. The science behind the timetravel concepts are reasonable and convincing.. The visuals perfect.. For those who are into action, this is a must watch.. 

7. Happy death day series


It's a 2 movie series. Each completed in its own way.. Where the girl gets back into the origin point of time every time she gets killed by a masked murderer..


The plot may sound like a horror, but this one's a comedy and a romance with all those anti social dialogues.. The scientifical explanation comes in the 2nd part, so don't overthink the 1st part, just enjoy it. 

8. Project Almanac


Project Almanac is science fiction teen drama movie. It's about 5 teen geniuses who build a time traveling machine. It's a found - footage sci-fi. Using the time machine they lose their track and some immature actions leads to devastating ripple effects. 


The movie gained mixed reviews from the critics. The plot of the movie shows that you aren't supposed to play with science as it can be dangerous. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Definitely a good watch for sci-fi freaks 

9. Interstellar


When the Earth becomes uninhabitable, an ex NASA scientist is sent on a mission to space to find a probable planet to make it as a new planet for humans 


This movie is a must for sci-fi lovers. Christopher Nolan's work is always splendid but this one caught my attention. It's thought provoking and intense plotline is unmissable. 

10. Predestination


A temporal Agent is set on a time travel journey to maintain the timeline and to save New York from future killers from committing crimes. The Temporal Agent time jumps to find the person behind Fizzle Bombers who kills over 10,000 innocent people.


This movie is astonishing. The plot begins when the agent goes through a horrible accident. From there on he needs to make everything right. As the movie continues, we come to know some detailed information and crucial stories about the characters which is very interesting and intense. 

All the movies listed below are an amazing binge for this genre. They have interesting plot lines and they have a good build up. 
Thank you to _nerd_vana for sending in the reviews for the movies. Check out their instagram. Just click on the name ;)
They have amazing content all related to movies, both international and regional. 

You can check out our instagram page for more reviews for books or movies and also for kdramas and Asian LGBTQ shows and movies. @books_tv_moviess

We would love to know what you think of the list and if you have any questions or want to discuss anything, feel free to DM us. 

Happy binging 🥰 ~A

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